Concerning the secular games in 204 AD under the reign of Septimius Severus we only possess fragments of a protocol ( commentarium ludorum saecularium septimorum ) and a song ( carmen septimum ). The ritual of 204 AD seems to be quite similar to that one of the secular games in 17 BC. The carmen septimum however has no comparable structure to Horace's carmen of 17 BC.The following synopsis arranged according to the process of the ritual documented in the commentarium is based on the edition of Pighi ( Pighi, De ludis saecularibus populi Romani Quiritium libri sex, Milano 1941)
Commentarium<B/> Carmen 1 a) Iuno Lucina (col. I b 18) a) Lucina (verse 17) D 2 a) Moerae (III o 52) b) agna femina (III o 55) 3 a) Iuppiter O. M. (III i 7) b) boves pulchri (III o 74) 4 a) Iuno Regina (III i 7) b) vacca alba (IV p 6) b) bos femina (IV p 7) 5 a) Iuno, Diana b) sellisternia (V q 30) 6 a) Terra Mater (V s 49) b) sus plena (V s 49) 7 a) Apollo (III i 8) a) Phoebus (2; 13) A b) liba, popana, phtoes (V s 55) a) Diana (V q 30) a) Phoebeia (2) A b) liba, popana, phtoes (V s 55) 8 a) Ilithyiae (V s 57) a) Ilithyia (16) C 9 b) porcus (VIII u 11) 10 ---------- a) Cynthia (13) B 11 ---------- a) Genitalis (17) E 12 ---------- a) Bacchus (37) F 13 ---------- a) Neptunus (41) G 14 ---------- a) Pax ? (45) H 15 ---------- a) Victoria ? (47) I
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